
Whoops! We get so many sad backstories, we were bound to eventually get a couple of them crossed up. We’ve edited this post to correct that. These poor hound mixes…

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Molly and Piper were found on the side of the road near where Alice and Bea, who came up on an earlier trip, were found. They might be sisters, but…

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Molly and Piper were found on the side of the road near where Alice and Bea, who came up on an earlier trip, were found. They might be sisters, but…

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Meet Spicy, Capone, and Sheldon. We don't know how they ended up at a shelter down south, but they did. We have no history on the parents. They are approx…

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Meet Maggie. She was a recurring guest at a shelter down south. Her family didn't have a fence, and they didn't leave her inside, so what a shock... she wandered..…

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