
As of 12/7, Esmae is 11 weeks old.  Momma Bella is a lab mix, approx 50 lbs.  Dad is unknown. She will be at the Petco in Poughkeepsie on Saturday. …

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As of 12/7, Dawn is 11 weeks old.  Momma Bella is a lab mix, approx 50 lbs.  Dad is unknown. She will be at the Petco in Poughkeepsie on Saturday. …

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Someone called our partner, Jim Davila when they realized an injured dog had taken up residence in their backyard. Jim went and got the dog. We are fairly sure he’d…

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Polo is approx 8 yo and is small at 12 lbs.  We think he looks like a silky terrier mix.  Appears to be housebroken. Please fill out an application on…

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Donut is a female, Shep mix.  On 12/7 she is approx 10 weeks old. ♥ Pic  of Momma Daisy is posted.  She is being adopted down south. If you are…

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Meet the "R" puppies. Momma Rhoda looks like a heeler/hound mix who is about 40 lbs. Momma has been adopted by her foster family.   The puppies are about 13…

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Meet the "R" puppies. Momma Rhoda looks like a heeler/hound mix who is about 40 lbs. Momma has been adopted by her foster family. Rikki is a female   The…

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Meet the "R" puppies. Momma Rhoda looks like a heeler/hound mix who is about 40 lbs. Momma has been adopted by her foster family. Rylee is a female.   The…

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