Where are all our big dog lovers?
This is the story of Mika. She was a stray pick up as a pup at the city shelter in MS and was adopted by a guy who wanted a dog to ride with him in his delivery truck every day. She did that for a year. When he and his wife split up, he left Mika. Mika’s human mom got overwhelmed financially since Mika’s human dad left her holding all the bills etc. Mom is having to sell the house now and has to down size. She loves Mika, but she can’t take care of her anymore. Mika is about 2. She’s a super sweet, very laid back girl who has been raised with dogs and cats. She has never met a stranger she didn’t like. She’s beautiful too! A guess at breed says lab mixed with who knows what. She’s 90lbs of love for someone lucky. Vet says she’s about 10 lbs overweight. LOL.
If you are looking for a buddy to walk with, please consider Mika. Fill out an application, which an be found on our website www.careofdc.org