
Macy was born 4/8/19.  She's a hound mix.  Her Momma, Wicker is small at about 35 lbs. The pups are available for adoption.  Please fill out an application, which can…

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Scooter was born 4/8/19.  he's a hound mix.  His Momma, Wicker is small at about 35 lbs. The pups are available for adoption.  Please fill out an application, which can…

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Mallory was born 4/8/19.  She's a hound mix.  Her Momma, Wicker is small at about 35 lbs. The pups are available for adoption.  Please fill out an application, which can…

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Macy is approx 10 weeks old, german shep mix.  She will be at the Petco in Poughkeepsie on Saturday, June 22.  If you are interested in adopting her, please fill…

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Mabel is approx 10 weeks old, german shep mix.  She will be at the Petco in Poughkeepsie on Saturday, June 22.  If you are interested in adopting her, please fill…

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The phrase "it takes a village" is so true in the rescue world. It takes a lot of hands of angels who are dedicated advocates to save the dogs. <3…

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