
As of 8/10, pup is approx 9 weeks old.  Momma is a small girl at about 30 lbs.  Daddy is unknown. Please fill out an application, which can be found…

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As of 8/10, pup is approx 9 weeks old.  Momma is a small girl at about 30 lbs.  Daddy is unknown. Please fill out an application, which can be found…

Continue ReadingJonas


As of 8/10, pup is approx 9 weeks old.  Momma is a small girl at about 30 lbs.  Daddy is unknown. Please fill out an application, which can be found…

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As of 8/10, pup is approx 9 weeks old.  Momma is a small girl at about 30 lbs.  Daddy is unknown. Please fill out an application, which can be found…

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As of 8/10, pup is approx 9 weeks old.  Momma is a small girl at about 30 lbs.  Daddy is unknown. Please fill out an application, which can be found…

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Pauley, female, is approx 10 weeks old, lab/hound mix.  Will be available for adoption on Saturday 8/4.  Get in your applications beforehand so your favorite dog won't be already taken. …

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Sundance, male, is approx 10 weeks old, lab mix.  Will be available for adoption on Saturday 8/4.  Get in your applications beforehand so your favorite dog won't be already taken. …

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