Cotton's Momma was a black pit mix. Male. Dad is unknown. This litter was born on Christmas eve. They will be available to be adopted on Saturday 3/16. Fill out…
Cotton's Momma was a black pit mix. Male. Dad is unknown. This litter was born on Christmas eve. They will be available to be adopted on Saturday 3/16. Fill out…
Panne's Momma was a black pit mix. Female. Dad is unknown. This litter was born on Christmas eve. They will be available to be adopted on Saturday 3/16. Fill out…
Crinnkle's Momma was a black pit mix. Female. Dad is unknown. This litter was born on Christmas eve. They will be available to be adopted on Saturday 3/16. Fill out…
Plush's Momma was a black pit mix. Female. Dad is unknown. This litter was born on Christmas eve. They will be available to be adopted on Saturday 3/16. Fill out…
Crush's Momma was a black pit mix. Female. Dad is unknown. This litter was born on Christmas eve. They will be available to be adopted on Saturday 3/16. Fill out…
Where are all our german shep lovers? Ginger is approx 2 yo about 60 lbs. She was a momma to 9 pups and it's now time for this Momma to…
We don't often know the birthdays of the puppies, but we do with this litter. They were born 1/6/19. Kissie is a female, Momma is a lab mix. Dad unknown.…
We don't often know the birthdays of the puppies, but we do with this litter. They were born 1/6/19. Harper is a male, Momma is a lab mix. Dad unknown.…
We don't often know the birthdays of the puppies, but we do with this litter. They were born 1/6/19. Chanel is a female, Momma is a lab mix. Dad…
It's not often we know the birthdays of the puppies, but we do for this litter, they were born 12/30. Pup is male approx 11 weeks old. Hound/shep mix They…