McGee the NCIS pup
McGee is a 3-4 month old Shepherd mix. He is super sweet and gets long with everyone. He is adorable and has the cutest little stubby tail
McGee is a 3-4 month old Shepherd mix. He is super sweet and gets long with everyone. He is adorable and has the cutest little stubby tail
Dinozzo is a 3-4 month old Shepherd mix. He is super sweet and gets along with other dogs.
Gibbs is a gorgeous Shepherd mix that is about 3-4 months old. He gets along with everyone and is super friendly.
I was scrolling through my timeline on FB one day and I saw a urgent plea for "medical funds needed". This gorgeous hound was found roaming in a rural area in…
We take a lot of dogs from "kill shelters" and when your day is up that's it. PeeWee's day came a couple of weeks ago. The shelter manager…
Jill is on the left and Jack is on the right Jack Jill Jack Jill These two sibling were found running in the street. Unfortunately no one came to…
Dolly and Biff were found running along a highway together. No one came to claim them so we stepped up and offered to take them. Dolly is a young…
This pretty girl is Lizzie. She was found standing on the road with the trash. Unfortunately the family that dumped her there was not coming back for her. She was so…
The first little cutie in this litter of 7 is May. ************************************************************************************************************* This next little darling is April. ************************************************************************************************************* Augusta is an adorable…
Ruby is approximately 7 months old. She is a super sweet girl who loves everyone, gets along with other dogs and ignores cats. She would be the perfect fit…