Meet this 4 year old happy-go-lucky Stafford shire Terrier gal who had a liter of puppies and is now to enjoy a life of her own. Noel is approx. 45lbs of wiggles. She loves to run, jump and play with tug toys, but her FAVORITE activity is getting belly rubs. Seriously, she will flip on a dime if you offer to rub her tummy!
Noel keeps her kennel fairly clean so we think she was house trained at some point in her life and are confident that a schedule will have her back to being perfect in no time at all. She would be fine with kids 12 and older as she is fairly active and we wouldn’t want her accidentally knocking over a wee one. She is also good with other dogs and would be best suited to another dog her size or larger as she likes to play rough and tumble. She likes to take her leash in her mouth and play tug of war, so she may need to bring a toy on her walks to keep her mouth focused!!
If you are interested in meeting her, your first step would be to fill out an application which can be found on our website