
Wade is approx 13 weeks old, hound mix.  His Momma is Mimi and she weighs about 35 lbs. If you are interested in adopting him, please fill out an application,…

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Jade is approx 2 yo and 50 lbs.     She was picked up as a stray.  When the owner called the city shelter looking for her and was told he would…

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Raj is approx 14 weeks old.   If you are interested in him, please fill out an application, which can be found on our website www.careofdc.org

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Denny is a fluffy terrier mix, approx 10 weeks old.  He is available for adoption by filling out an application, which can be found on our website www.careofdc.org

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Dana is a fluffy terrier mix, approx 10 weeks old.  SHe is available for adoption by filling out an application, which can be found on our website www.careofdc.org

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Joni is about 9 weeks old, lab mix.  Her Momma is about 50 lbs, dad is unknown. If you are interested in him, you need to fill out an application,…

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