Simba is a male, as of 12/23 approx 10 weeks old. He's a lab/ hound mix. Fill out an application on our website
Simba is a male, as of 12/23 approx 10 weeks old. He's a lab/ hound mix. Fill out an application on our website
Meet the Full house litter. DJ is a female Mom is a border collie mix, dad is said to be a lab mix. Mom is staying with owners and we…
M'Lynn is a beauty and medium sized at about 35 lbs. She seems pretty young, we think less than 2 . From her coloring, I think she may be…
Presenting the Steel Magnolias. Mama M'Lynn. Daughters Truvy, Claree and Ouiza ,and son Drummond. This mama and babies were picked up by a concerned neighbor when the owners moved away…
Presenting the Steel Magnolias. Mama M'Lynn. Daughters Truvy, Claree and Ouiza ,and son Drummond. This mama and babies were picked up by a concerned neighbor when the owners moved away…
Presenting the Steel Magnolias. Mama M'Lynn. Daughters Truvy, Claree and Ouiza ,and son Drummond. This mama and babies were picked up by a concerned neighbor when the owners moved away…
Presenting the Steel Magnolias. Mama M'Lynn. Daughters Truvy, Claree and Ouiza ,and son Drummond. This mama and babies were picked up by a concerned neighbor when the owners moved away…
The first thing you notice about Leo is that he is GORGEOUS. The second thing would be how sweet he is. He is about 2 yo, a lab mix. Good…
Adoption fee is $25 Meet Smudge! This handsome man is a 3 year old, male neutered, domestic short hair. This guy loves water! I bet he was a fish in…
Meet Sully. This distinguished gentleman may be considered a senior by his age (he is approximately 10 years old), but he doesn’t let that slow him down! He absolutely LOVES attention. He loves to climb up your leg and ask for attention every chance that he gets! He gets along with other cats. He has a few medical issues that are being addressed at the moment (ear mites and a possible hernia that will require surgery). Once he is all healed up he will be available for adoption! Please consider giving this senior gentleman a home!