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Poor Bruce. Thank God for a good Samaritan in MS. She found Bruce paralyzed, and screaming in pain in the road. She called the Sheriffs dept, Animal control AND the Humane society. No one would help. 🙁

Thanks to angels, he was taken to the vet and he was COVERED in ticks. He was diagnosed with tick paralysis. After receiving medical care, all the ticks were removed and in time, he was able to walk again. A plea went out on facebook and we knew we had to help. He was transported up here and we promised him that his future, from here on out, will be the best. <3

He is about 2 yo, is good with dogs.  In his southern foster home, He was good with the cat and her 8 yo grandchild.

If you are interested in him, please fill out an application, which can be found on our website