Mom is a black mouth cur mix. Daddy is unknown.. Pups are approx 10 weeks old
Mom is a black mouth cur mix. Daddy is unknown.. Pups are approx 10 weeks old
Everyone meet Libby. Our friend and supporter, Wendy Haumaier, was down south on vacation and went to a local shelter. She wanted to help a dog. She reached out to…
This is Bindi. She is part of the "B" litter. For everyone who wanted Spot and wasn't able to get him, consider Bindi. They look similar. Bindi is approx 13…
Our volunteer extraordinaire AJ Pittore can help us take pics of the dogs AND eat a chicken strip. This is how we all get to eat lunch on Saturdays at our adoption events.
Gaga is a pretty girl who is about 13 weeks old. She is a boxer/lab mix. Gaga is a snuggler and loves to give kisses. In typical puppy fashion, she likes to eat, play then sleep.
If you would like to meet her, she will be at the Petco in Poughkeepsie on Saturday from 11-3:30. Fill out an application to get pre-approved.