PeeWee is the smallest out of his siblings. He is approx 12 weeks old. He loves to snuggle.. Gets along with all dogs and people.
PeeWee is the smallest out of his siblings. He is approx 12 weeks old. He loves to snuggle.. Gets along with all dogs and people.
How cute is Milo? He is approx 12 weeks old and is a shep mix with a beautiful coat..
Now 17 weeks He had a boo boo on his head which the vet took care of and he is all better now and should clear up in no time.…
Now 17 weeks Resent DNA results of an adopted sibling revealed that the litter is of Dalmatian and Treeing Walker Coonhound mix. Marshall is a 10-12 week old lab mix who…
Delilah is a golden retriever mix who is about 10 weeks old! She is so sweet and is a total cuddle bug.
Daisy was one tired puppy at our adoption event today! All she wanted to do was cuddle and be pet. This super soft and fluffy puppy is a 10-12 week…
Sky is one of the smaller ones in the black lab mix litter. She is super sweet! She was laid back and very independent. She loves to explore and find…
Finn is a sweet 2-3 year old lab mix who thinks he is a lap dog. He loves everyone he meet and is dog friendly, but not a fan of…
Harvey is a 1 yo mini schnauzer/terrier mix. He is very sweet and loves to be held. How cute is he with his little mohawk?
Jax is a 6 year old rat terrier who is housebroken and loves other dogs and kids. He is fully housebroken and can be cat tested if needed. He loves…